Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Mayan Apocalypse: as it didn't happen

Mayan Apocalypse: as it didn't happen

Thirteen long Baktuns ago, way back on August 11 3114 BC our time, the world began. We've had a pretty good innings ladies and gentleman - cured all sorts of disease, created great art, invented the printing press, jazz and the X Factor, and generally had a good laugh. But time is up - the Mayans predicted it and most modern scientists agree. (UPDATE: as you were, everybody)

At the centre of the rebel base where Luke Skywalker took off to destroy the Death Star and save his people from the clutches of Darth Vader, Guatemala is preparing for another momentous event: the end of an age for the Maya.
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Once at the heart of a conquering civilisation in its own right, the ancient city of Tikal is now a pilgrimage site for both hard-core Star Wars fans and enthusiasts of Maya culture Photo: Alamy

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